NPUST Online Application System for International Degree Students

To apply ICDF scholarship and admission, do not enter this online system,
please go to
Application Form of Admission for Foreign Students
International students' Admission result (Accepted)
秋季班:01/01/2025 12:00AM~03/31/2025 11:30PM(大學、碩、博士生)
春季班:08/01/2025 12:00AM~10/31/2025 11:30PM (碩 、博士生)         
. Admission for Foreign Students
. Application Period
. First Semester (September Entry):
01/01/2025 12:00AM~03/31/2025 11:30PM (Bachelor, Master, Ph. D)
. Second Semester (Spring Entry):         
08/01/2025 12:00AM~10/31/2025 11:30PM (Master, Ph. D only)          
Point of Contact: Office of International Affairs
Mr. Huang (Eric)
TEL: +886 8 7703202 #6216

Online Application
Log in here to upload documents or check application results   

*Please use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 to enter the system.

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Address:1, Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912, TAIWAN‧TEL:+886-8-7703202#6216